I am an Indian and planing to register a company in Poland. What is the...

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  • Country of Interest: Poland flag
  • Looking for:
    • Company Registration
    • Work Permit And Visa For Foreigners
    • Business Services
  • Posted: 6 years ago

I am an Indian and planing to register a company in Poland. What is the procedure?

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  • Country of Interest: Poland flag
  • Looking for:
    • Company Registration
    • Business Services
  • Posted: 6 years ago

I want to form a new company in Poland for export & import & commercial trading unit. [Read more]

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  • Country of Interest: Poland flag
  • Looking for:
    • Immigration Advisers
    • Job Search For Foreigners
    • Work Permit For Foreigners
    • Work Permit And Visa For Foreigners
  • Posted: 6 years ago

our company is in USA, however, we want to hire few Poland people to work for our company on automation. I want to know what are the steps and work permit in order to get the people from Poland to work in the US? Thank you! [Read more]

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  • Country of Interest: Poland flag
  • Looking for:
    • Work Permit And Visa For Foreigners
    • Immigration Advisers
  • Posted: 6 years ago

I am interested to get a work permit in Poland (anywhere or any kind of service). Please let me know if you can help with this. Thank You. [Read more]

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